Sunday, September 20, 2015

Back again?

The only way I can find my way back here is by writing a post on...whatelse,the kids.

A few days back V showed me his English reader and started giggling. I had written his name on that and having mentioned his section correctly, had written the class as UKG instead of class 3. T who was near by was so amused that she welcomed her older brother to her class the following day!

Cut to present...

T and V  are up to something...

T-  V (no anna here:-\ )What are you doing... Why so much confusion?

V - Hey... Do you know the meaning of confusion..

T - Yes. You remember that day when Amma wrote UKG instead of class 3 in your notebook? That is confusion!

Needless to say, the girl hasn't taken after me.

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